Explore Japan close-up as part of Akemi's trips to Japan.
Akemi leads study tours to Japan each spring and autumn. She also holds residential study retreats (called gashuku in Japanese) several times a year in different parts of the UK. These are a natural extension of her activities as a teacher and lecturer. It is Akemi's aim to present authentic Japanese culture to British people in a fun and accessible manner.
Because much of the earliest interest in the cultural exchange visits came from Akemi's academic colleagues and students, some of whom had projects and particular activities they wished to incorporate into the plan, two important aspects of the cultural exchange visits are consultation and flexibility. With sufficient notice, it is possible to include things, such as meetings with and cultural demonstrations from artists, priests and teachers, who would not normally cooperate with other kinds of tours. It is also possible to arrange for participants to go to Japan earlier or leave Japan later than the main group.
Visits to Japan also include a combination of staying at a hotel and also with a host family.
Anyone wishing to take part in this cultural exchange visit should contact Akemi using the contact details listed below. Japanese language skills are not required, but any cultural interests and experience will be taken into account when matching host families and planning activities. Successful applicants will be asked to provide a non-refundable deposit of £200.

What people say about Akemi’s Japan Tours
David Matcham
Dr Kerry Elgie
Mike Hopper
Dawn Dean, winner of Akemi’s competition at AmeCon 2006
Chris Bradford, author of Young Samurai
Olga Maguire
If you have an interest in anime and manga then Akemi will be happy to include a visit to the Studio Ghibli Museum or other places you might request. Other activities, such as tea ceremony or watching martial arts can also be added to your visit.